Thursday, May 16, 2013


Most of us probably have a similar one; I have a Crazy Aunt, Esther. Esther is CRAZY! She is the family Drama Queen, and she always goes wide open.  Unanimously loved by children becasue she is the one who will turn the whole house into a fort and play in it with you. She also has a great big heart and will lay you out flat for messin with her family or friends. Now, my Aunt Esther is a lot of things, but what I love most about her is, when you need her, she will come runnin'. In fact, it's her dedication that makes this one so funny. Well, I thought it was funny!

We live in a Horse Community, the luckiest of you know what I am talking about. It is like a Network, where we all help each other. That being said, my Aunt and I have mutual friends who Chuckwagon Race. Now that is fun stuff, and it was the Finals. Normally Esther would have been there hollering her very loyal support at the top of her lungs, but this particular year, she was on crutches. So, instead, she was commissioned to watch after the farms of two sets of mutual friends. She house sat at one farm, and feed critters and did the daily chores at both.

Early one morning, there was a knock at the door. The Sheriff's Deputy explained that the cows were out at the other, more remote, farm. She grabbed her purse, and crutches, and got in the car. Yes. I said car. I think this is the funniest part, because as she is telling me this story, I have a very vivid picture in my mind of a wild woman, with crazy hair, searching for stray cows, speeding down dirt roads, jumping ditches in the Maxima, hobbling around and flapping her crutches at the cows  like a Dodo Bird.

The cows, apparently happy with their freedom, did not want to get back in the pasture, so it took most of the day and well into the afternoon to get them all rounded back up. Exhausted, overheated, sunburned, and leavin an ass trail, she went back to the other farm, to take a nap. Later, there was a knock at the door. This time, the Deputy came to explain that those were not our friends cows!

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